After ensuring favorable weather conditions for the implementation of traffic paint, attention should be paid to the surface conditions of the place of application of traffic paint. In such a way that the desired surface is free from moisture and any pollution including dust, grease, etc. To implement, first mark the desired space with 5 cm wide stickers. After mixing the ingredients evenly and completely homogenized, apply it on the surface with a roller and a spatula. After the surface is dry, remove the glue surrounded by color from the asphalt. The price of traffic paint, the sale of traffic paint Tip: After mixing component B (accelerator) with traffic paint, the paint should be used after a maximum of two hours. Also, if the hardener is mixed, there is less than 5 minutes (according to the air temperature) to apply the traffic color. "After mixing each of the components, drying will not be prevented even by closing the door of Aleppo." This product does not have the ability to add thinner, so avoid adding any kind of eyeline.